*Presentations and seminars are tailored to each specific audience – academic, public, service providers, or advocacy groups; in addition, topics may be modified to meet specific requests. Presentations can also be designed to be interactive.
The State of Criminal Justice and Corrections in America
An overview of trends in corrections including incarceration and community corrections and addressing issues of race, mental illness, substance use disorders, and trauma; an examination of the collateral damage and unintended consequences; and a look at the current trends and efforts to improve outcomes and reduce costs and consequences.
Violence & Abuse: Family, Domestic, and Intimate Partner Violence
An eye opening look at the incidence and prevalence of violence against family members and intimate partners; identifying the causal and contributing factors; review of the costs and consequences; and a discussion of strategies for prevention, intervention, and justice system and community response.
Men & Masculinity
An exploration of the impact of gender socialization (the social construction of gender) and cultural and peer expectations on the lives and relationships of men; a focus on identity, close personal relationships, men’s health outcomes, and men’s relationship to work, career, sports, aggression, and violence.
Reentry & Recidivism
What works to create safe, successful, and sustainable transitions to family and community; based on extensive research suggesting significant reductions in rates of recidivism are possible; the role of peers, family and community; the role of the correctional system in preparing individuals for release; with an emphasis on strength-based approaches to manage risk and improve outcomes.
Children of Incarcerated Parents
Identifying the unintended consequences and collateral damage to children, families and communities of parental incarceration – widening the lens to look at practices that consider collateral consequences and the long-term impact on vulnerable children, families, and their communities and strategies to reduce harm and increase resilience.
Crime, Justice, and American Family
A look at the impact of criminal justice involvement on families and communities; discussion of the ripple effect of policies and practices underlying high rates of incarceration and correctional practices on children and families, with a focus on the disparate impact on vulnerable and marginalized families and communities
Risk, Adversity, Trauma & Resilience
An overview of childhood adversity, trauma and the short and long-term consequences on individuals and their overrepresentation in the criminal justice system – including careful examination of resilience – what it is and how to facilitate it; and a look at how early exposure to adversity influences life outcomes and the factors that mediate/mitigate specific outcomes
Healthy Relationships
The context for human development (growth and repair) is relationships. What is a healthy relationship? How are these developed and maintained? How are conflicts and problems resolved effectively – in a manner that promotes individual and relationship growth and enhances intimacy in couple relationships and builds strength, cohesion, stability, and adaptability in families and other relational systems?
Special Topics – Solitary Confinement, Administrative Segregation, the Death Penalty, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline
A hard look at the use of these issues and the associated policies and practices including an examination of frequency of use, short- and long-term costs and consequences, effectiveness, and disparity in application; and an overview of current trends and efforts at reform.